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Yes Mirabelle! Please rush me my copy of your "Wrap Him Around Your Finger", including INSTANT ACCESS to all of the bonus material for only $47!


I understand that I will receive:

Wrap Him Around Your Finger

Wrap Him Around Your Finger's author, Mirabelle Summers, will be with you every step of the way as you dive deep into the male mind, masculine psychology, what makes a man tick, and how to have even the most distant, unloving man absolutely desperate to change his ways for you and give you the loving connection you deserve.

She's here to share with you that getting a man to treat you like his fantasy dream girl doesn’t have to mean bending over backwards, ‘earning’ his love, or walking on eggshells, or constantly reaching out, asking, and begging for more.

Instead, you’ll learn how to use a simple eight step method to ignite his desire and craving for you from inside his brain.

You are going to see INCREDIBLE and AMAZING changes in your man’s behavior and feelings within seconds of applying the eight steps of this method (yup, things will happen that fast!).

Written by Mirabelle Summers

I understand that I will also receive the following special bonuses:

BONUS ONE: Irresistible Confidence Training Interview, with Marni Kinrys and Mirabelle Summers

In this tell-all interview, you’ll learn why being ‘nice’ doesn’t necessarily mean you get the love you deserve...

And in just MOMENTS of applying the tips you’ll get in this exclusive interview, you’ll notice men treating you differently...

Looking at you with that loving heat in his eyes...

And telling you that there’s just ‘something about you’ that makes him want to be around you all the time :)


BONUS TWO: 12 Reasons He's Not Seeing You As The One

This advanced-level course reveals the secret ‘love formula’ that makes a man fall in love (and STAY in love...)

The 12 secrets you’ll get in this course will have even the most commitment phobic man of them ALL feeling absolutely obsessed with the idea of making you his and ONLY his...

Because as you’ll learn when you start reading my secret, it’s not how you dress, how old you are, or how you LOOK that matters...

It’s whether you know how to get a man to see you as the PRIZE that he desperately craves to win (and feels incredibly lucky to have... )

BONUS THREE: Special Report: How To Get A Man's Desire Actions

Did you know that every man has 2 types of desire?

There’s the type of desire where he thinks nice thoughts about you, but never actually ACTS on those thoughts...

And then, there’s the type of desire where he can’t stop himself from doing AMAZING things for you, just to see you smile...

Whether that’s asking you to be his exclusive girlfriend...Surprising you with a totally unexpected gift...Or maybe sliding a ring on your finger and kissing you so passionately you feel like your heart’s about to burst...

This special report is going to show you how to manifest the right type of desire in a man, and propel him to take action!

Limited Time Bonus (Optional) Yes Mirabelle! Please also give me my first edition of your Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series for FREE ($37 value).

Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series

I understand that with Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series, each month I'll discover life-changing tips and strategies to attracting and keeping the man of my dreams as well as empowerment advice, healthy lifestyle tips, relationship maintenance, interviews with dating experts, and specific intimacy issues all answered in each action-packed issue!
I understand that there is no other product on the market like this, and that I will receive the first edition today for free. If I choose to stay on as an Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series member, I will be charged $37 per month for each new issue for as long as I decide to remain a member. I can cancel at any time.

Finally, I understand that my "Wrap Him Around Your Finger" purchase is fully covered by your personal, risk-free, no questions asked 8-week 100% money-back GUARANTEE! If I'm not satisfied for any reason, or it doesn't live up to my expectations, I won't be out one red cent. I can just send an email and I will be refunded my payment. Right up to the final day of this 8 week guarantee.

Product Price  
Wrap Him Around Your Finger $47.00
Ultimate Attraction Series (Optional) - first month free, then $37 per month for as long as I decide to remain a member $0.00
Total $47.00  
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If you have any questions about 'Wrap Him Around Your Finger', don't hesitate to contact us using the link on the homepage. I look forward to hearing of your success with my course.

Mirabelle Summers
Author, Wrap Him Around Your Finger.

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